Single-sided hearing loss, also known as unilateral hearing loss, occurs when a person experiences hearing impairment in only one ear while the other ear retains normal hearing abilities. Despite affecting only one ear, single-sided hearing loss can have significant impacts on daily life and communication. …
Seeking Hearing Loss Treatment Could Help Prevent or Delay Dementia
Hearing loss is a condition that impacts even more than the one in eight Americans who display signs of hearing loss. Our families and communities deal with hearing loss whenever someone they know is suffering from untreated and undiagnosed hearing loss and so the reality …
Building Connections | May is Better Hearing and Speech Month
It’s been a difficult year for most of us, with COVID-19 upending normal life in ways that most of us were not prepared to predict. With that in mind, ASHA (the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association) has embarked on its annual Better Hearing and Speech Month (BHSM) …
Tips for Virtual Communication from People with Hearing Loss
Last year’s global pandemic brought about a huge change in many people’s workplaces with whole swaths of offices and schools switching to online video conferencing and virtual communication tools. While these technological assets gave us new ways to connect, they also brought with them a …
Watching TV with Hearing Aids
Hearing aids do so much for us in our daily lives. They make it easier and more fun to stay in touch with friends and relatives. Many report that hearing aids have allowed them to improve relationships with those closest to them. They can allow …
A Link between Tinnitus, Anxiety, and Sleep Issues
Different people experience it different ways: whether it’s a constant ringing in the ears, a screeching chainsaw that comes and goes, or a clicking or buzzing sound, tinnitus is an annoying and common problem for many people today. It is estimated that 15–20% of Americans …
Adults with Hearing Loss at Higher Risk for Unemployment
No one wants to be held back by their lack of hearing. However, statistics show that untreated hearing loss can significantly impact the opportunities open to us. Hearing loss has long been associated with lower wages and higher unemployment rates. New research continues to affirm …
Tips for a Successful Virtual Family Reunion
It seems like everything in 2020 has to be done differently than before, and our holiday gatherings are no exception. Many families will be getting together via video conferencing this year, and while it may take a little extra planning and careful coordination, by keeping …
Memory Loss & Psychological Distress with Hearing Loss
You’re at home on a Saturday morning, and after breakfast your spouse asks you to make sure to be available for a package delivery before they head out to do some shopping. You’ve been having trouble with hearing loss, and at first you think they’ve …
Celebrate World Alzheimer’s Month with a Hearing Test!
Each year the month of September is set aside to raise awareness around Alzheimer’s disease. In addition to the 25 million people who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease, at least another 20 million people have another form of dementia. Although these conditions are not a cause …
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