If you’ve had your hearing aids for some time, you may be wondering when you should update them. This is a frequently asked question that is essential to prioritizing your hearing health. Hearing aids are critical devices that provide ample hearing support, allowing people to …
Should I Update My Hearing Aids?
Hearing aids are everyday items for people with hearing loss. These innovative devices provide significant hearing support, allowing people to navigate everyday environments and communication much more effectively and comfortably. Hearing aids are designed to be long lasting but like all devices that you use …
All About Tinnitus
Tinnitus is one of the most common symptoms of hearing loss but can also be experienced without hearing loss. It describes hearing a ringing or buzzing like noise in one or both ears that only you can hear. This phantom like noise can be intermittent …
Celebrate World Hearing Day: Ear and Hearing Care for All!
Did you know that March 3rd is World Hearing Day? Organized by the World Health Organization (WHO), this global campaign is all about advocating for hearing health. You can participate in World Hearing Day by scheduling an appointment for a hearing test which is an …
Strange Causes of Hearing Loss
A common misconception about hearing loss is that it is namely caused by aging and that only older adults experience impaired hearing. Hearing loss is one of the most common health issues that people live with today. There are actually a number of causes that …
How Our Exercise, Diet, Sleep, and Hearing Affects Our Brain Aging
Though aging is a natural process that occurs over time, there are factors that can accelerate or decelerate the aging of the brain according to a recent report. Brain aging causes essential cognitive functions to become less flexible. This includes decision making, memory, performing daily tasks …
Add Improved Hearing To Your New Year’s Health Goals!
It is common to set goals and intentions for the new year. People often use this time to practice new habits and prioritize their health. A great and simple way you can do this is by committing to improving your hearing health. Nearly 1 in …
Enjoying the Holidays with Hearing Loss
December is a time to visit with family and loved ones, but the busy-ness and volume of our gatherings, festivities, and celebrations could cause some worry for those who have hearing loss. Here is some advice on how to enjoy the holidays with hearing loss: …
This November, Test Your Hearing in Honor of American Diabetes Month
The CDC estimates that over 37 million people have diabetes and that over a third of adults are prediabtic. Diabetes can have multifaceted effects on health including causing kidney and heart issues. Another under-recognized complication of diabetes is hearing loss. Studies show that people with …
Studies Show Higher Rates of Hearing Loss for People with Diabetes
Did you know that people with diabetes can be more likely to develop hearing loss? An estimated 37 million people have diabetes which accounts for 11.3% of the U.S. population. Additionally, nearly 1.5 million people are diagnosed with diabetes according to the American Diabetes Association. …